Church times are as follows:

8 a.m Early Service

9 a.m Sunday School (during School Year)

10:00 a.m Late Service

Times change during the Summer months

8 a.m Early Service

9:30 a.m Late Service

Come see for yourself what we are all about!





Our Story

Zion Lutheran Church started in 1912 with Pastor John Knuebel, and we recently celebrated our 100th Anniversary. Throughout those years, attendance has steadly dwindled, however it is throughout our conference as a whole as well. The past decade has seen many families being forced to leave the area in search of work as the manufacturing jobs that were the base of our economy in Western NY have disappeared. Those families that remain have seen their income reduced due to job loss and pay cuts. The upside of this is that it provides us with a reason to increase fellowship with other Lutherans in our area. We have had joint services with St. Peters Medina, Trinity Wolcottsville and St. Johns in Lyndonville.

The future is in God’s hands, but one thing is certain: we have come a long way in these 100 years. We have touched many lives with God’s love and grace and we will continue to do so. Let us all share God’s love and encourage friends, family and neighbors to “Come and See” WHAT THIS LOVE IS ALL ABOUT,

Our Approach
The good news is… “He Is risen, indeed!”
And yet, for so many in the communities that we call our hometowns – whether it be Gasport, Lockport, Newfane, Medina – the cold grip of winter, the cold grip of grief and pain, the feeling that death still surrounds us, is an ever-present reality. Tragic accidents, long-suffering illness, and unexpected moments have taken so many of our beloved people away from us in recent days. It’s hard to see the sunshine. It’s just plain hard to see and feel the love of God in the messiness that engulfs us.
If this is how you personally feel right now, then please do this: Make like the disciples after the crucifixion. Go into hiding. Go to the “upper room” while you try to make sense of life.
And wait. Jesus will show up. I don’t know when, but he will show up. He did for the disciples. He will for you.
For those who have not been touched by recent tragedies or loss of loved ones, please do this: Go wait with them. Knock on the door, and if it is opened to you, go in and wait with them. Be present. Be loving. Be understanding. Be kind.
And wait. No need to try to come with answers to the uncertainties of life and all that stuff.
Just wait with them.
And the peace that passes all human understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
– Pastor Rod

Meet the Leaders


Rod Klinzing


Dawn Barker & Karen Gardner

Church Council


Join Us Today!

Come visit us today to see a different type of church, a different sense of belonging. If you are wanting to visit, please click the “come visit” button, and we shall see you on Sunday.

Come Visit